1. Make a Sign That Displays the Responsibility of Caring for “Easter Animals” with the hashtag, “#NotJust4Easter”
(Examples: “Bunny=10 Year Commitment , #NotJust4Easter”, “Animals are a Commitment , #NotJust4Easter”, “Adopt, Don’t Shop #NotJust4Easter” “95% of Animals Bought as Easter Gifts Will Die by Age 1 #NotJust4Easter. “Get a Good Vacuum! Rabbits Poop an Average of 300 Times a Day #NotJust4Easter”)
2. Put On a Pair of Bunny Ears and Take a Photo of Yourself Holding the Sign
3. Post on Social Media as “Public” with the #NotJust4Easter hashtag.
Other Options:
Add Your Companion Animal to the Photo OR Take a Photo of Your Companion Animal Holding the Sign OR Have Friends Join In!